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A Chair Planter for Joyce ............ & Change in the Wind ............

Mid Week Greetings dearest friends & readers,
My friend Joyce turns 70 at the end of this month & is having a small informal party to celebrate.
Even though Joyce said "No Gifts" in her invite, I wanted to make her something special.

 This chair has been languishing in my sleep out since last winter - it was a $10 purchase from St John's Op Shop.
Knowing Joyce loves her garden, I decided to make her a chair planter that could sit outdoors & not deteriorate.
 I unscrewed the padded base & scrubbed the half inch of dust off the chair.
Then I painted it with 2 coats of my Resene Amulet test pot

 Underneath my house in amongst all my rubbish treasures I knew I had some wire hanging basket frames.
I found one that fitted inside the chair perfectly & removed its chains.

On my next trip to the Garden Centre I purchased a punnet of petunias & lobelias, & a coconut fibre basket liner
I planted the basket up a couple of weeks ago & have had it in a nice sheltered spot on the decking area

I am hoping that by the date of Joyce's party, it is a mass of colour 😊

I think it would look equally as nice planted up with a variety of succulents.

I came across the remnants of a large white towel in my sewing room so I stitched up another 6 bibs for my youngest grandson Sid.
Sid's Mum Nicole frequently tells me these are "the best bibs ever" !!
The pattern is a free download from *here*

Last week I picked the last of the lemons on our tree ... it is only a young tree but has produced an amazing bounty this season.
I got the idea in my mind to make a Lemon Drizzle Cake - for some reason I became fixated on this !!?

I have been feeding various animals around our district while Owners are away on holiday so I had a small stash of fresh duck & chook eggs

Yesterday morning I decided to bake the cake ...... I used this recipe *here*
 It turned out lovely & moist, with a real hit of citrus - just the way I like it!

Well dear friends  - it is a time for change in the wind !!
After a great deal of consideration, to-ing & fro-ing & long talks with The Mr, I have made the decision to close my Craft Cottage.

There are a number of factors contributing to this but I feel in my heart this decision is the right one.
This would be my 15th year of running my little Cottage.
I plan to have a half price sale for the month of February & then close the door.
What I don't plan to do however - is stop creating!
Creating & crafting is what I LoVe!

 For the future I will look at possibly opening a small online etsy shop in which to sell my work.
I will still keep blogging & life will continue much the same here at Threadbear ....................
No doubt the antics of these two below will continue ....................

Thank you all So Much for stopping by today,
I hope the rest of the week brings you only good things,
Be kind to yourselves & to each other,
With much love & friendship,
Julie & the furry ones x0x0x0

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