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Honest Scrap Award!

You know its hard to move forward with awards sometimes...I get busy- bogged down with life and other things I want to post about. But today, I'm posting an award. I have a few days in between before NaNo and thought that would work really well for today's post. So To those I have chosen for the award- please note, it doesn't matter to me if you post it or send it on, I just wanted to recognize you for what you do. :)

So Here is the award:

 Thank you very much Miss Jules @Over the rainbow
If you have never been to this woman's blog you are truly missing out some heartwarming posts. I love her little stories she makes up spur of the moment. She is also one of the sweetest bloggers I know. She's always there when I need a smile.

 The rules are to post 10 things about myself and share this with 7 other bloggers.
 lets see ten things about moi:

 10)I have taken french for three years. The language is so beautiful and I'm sad this is my last semester for it.

 9) I don't click with any specific type of people. My friends range to a broad spectrum. Most of them are older than me, a handful are younger and tend to be guys. :)

 8)I cannot survive without a whole lot going on in my life, preferably good things like projects, but the bad keeps me sane as well.

 7) I collect archie comics and play world of warcraft (I know I'm a girl right?) I have a level 71 blood elf palidin on the horde side that I've been leveling for the better part of three years. LOL

6) I have never wanted to live or move outside of my hometown in wyoming.

5) I despise math and research papers.

4) I quickly get upset when my routines get interrupted by something I was unprepared for.

3) I'm not sure what my sense of humor is- but many friends believe its a myth. LOL

2) I met my manly man at kickboxing and had fun kicking him and sparing with him...hence how we fell for eachother :)

1) My favorite animal is a cat!

 and now for those bloggers I'd like to send this award on to:

~ She has some great reviews and I love her tuesday blogs
Wendy Tyler Ryan @ waiting for Publication
~Her journey in writing has been a pleasure to read.

Laura @ wavy lines
~ If you haven't checked out her writing prompts your missing out

~ This lady is up to date and posts upcoming blogfests

Stina @ Seeing creative 
~ her Friday links are amazing!

~ her comments always make me smile, and she is true to her own writing convictions.

~ He's an inspiration. I met him through the Literary Lab
Have a wonderful Flutterific Friday everyone!

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