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3-2-1-Contacts! Or Glasses?

This post will be a quick little poll about corrective eyewear. It's only been in the last handful of years that I've needed glasses. At first it was just for driving to make things in the distance sharper, but it seemed that the more I wore them, the worse my eyes got and FAST, so I started having to wear these glasses all the time or I'd feel cross-eyed without them. Lately I've been pretty active (tennis and kickboxing) and wearing glasses all the time just isn't practical. I'm considering contacts.

And I'm terrified.

Growing up with a BFF whose father is an optometrist, I only heard all the horror stories about eyes (because those are the exciting ones people remember), and several of these stories involved contacts. But they sound so convenient, I think I might be ready to suck it up and learn to shove something in my eye. People do it everyday, right?

Do you need help with your vision? Are you strictly in the glasses camp or do you use contacts too?  

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