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Good News!

We are grateful beyond words
Want to thank everyone of you
that have put us in your prayers.

Monday's doctor visit was amazing,
our doctor almost cried 
when she told us the good news.

Steve's latest lab work showed
amazing results.
We will know more after his next 
CT scan on the 16th.

Chemo is helping . . .
The Lord is blessing us . . .
and it looks like we can count on 
more time together.

For that we are grateful!
Please keep praying.
Our hearts are touched by the 
love we feel knowing we have 
so much support. 

Those of you that have been 
following me for years,
know that I always close my posts with,
"Keep Smiling!" 

I haven't been doing that lately,
because it's been very hard to smile.

But our good news has made us 
stop looking at an ending
and start enjoying the life 
we have left together . . .
It's time to start enjoying
and living!


The news even brought with it new
energy, energy that my sweet Steve 
hasn't had since back in Autumn.

He sat out by the fire-pit and cooked
these cowboy beans for our dinner
last night :)

We are feeling to very blessed . . .
smiling from ear to ear . . .
and praising the Lord for the gift
of more time.

Thank you again;
There is much power in prayer.

Keep Smiling, We Are!
Connie :)

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