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Thanksgiving, Leadville 1879

A surfeit of turkey and company delayed me a couple of days from posting this tidbit from the Leadville Evening Chronicle, November 16, 1879:
To-morrow is Thanksgiving.
All banks will be closed.
The Postoffice will be closed.
The hospitals will be remembered.
All the newspaper offices will be closed.
The poor of the city—no; there are none.
Extra turkey exercises will be held at the Grand, at the
Clarendon, and at the Windsor.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians are to hold their first
annual ball at the old Chestnut street Opera House [Shoenberg’s]
in the evening.
Thanksgiving dinners in imitation of New England family
reunions will be given at Stansell’s, at Londoner’s, at
Phelps’, at Thompson’s and at one hundred and some odd
other neat mansions.
At the Soda Springs Mount Massive Hotel, turkey, goose
and duck services will commence at two o’clock P.M. and continue
till five P.M. This will be followed with dancing. All
school teachers are to be there. All the editors are going. The
entire postoffice force, with the ladies who admire them
most, these and more still will ride to Mount Massive Hotel
to-morrow. Colonel Bair will run extra hacks to accommodate
those who may choose to go by his conveyances.

Here's hoping everyone had a good Thanksgiving, taking some time to give thanks along with tucking into the turkey, duck, tofurkey, what have you.

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