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52 Weeks of Happy - Week 46

It's 'happies' time again, week forty six already!  How the weeks fly!  Here goes with my four happy things for the last week.  The following four plus a new series of Borgen on TV are some of the things that have made me smile recently.

1.  Cake and Pudding  - for that seasonal event coming shortly!! The cake was made a couple of weeks ago and this is its second 'feed' of brandy. It smells so rich and spicy.  The pudding too has been stirred, steamed and stored.

 2. Lapwing - on the edge of Carsington Water.  it wandered around for ages whilst we took photos.  I love its colours and the tufts on its head. Lapwings or peewits as we used to call them as children in the small Derbyshire village I grew up in have been designated 'red status' by the RSPB as their populations are declining.  We saw a small group of them from the Wildlife Centre at Carsington.  Apparently a group of Lapwings is known as a deceit.  This possibly derives from the fact that at nesting time the lapwings, whilst guarding their vulnerable young, will feign injury themselves to divert the hunter or predator into taking them instead of their young.   It could also be from the words of Geoffrey Chaucer who wrote 'false lapwynge full of treacherye'  in his poem The Assembly of Fowls.

3.  Stag - hiding in the long grass across the River Trent from the lakeside at Trentham, he looked quite ethereal in the pale grass and morning mist.  Seeing him made me smile as I remembered years ago, when I lived in lodgings at Wollaton in Nottingham, I was with some friends walking back in thick fog from an evening out, we heard a snort and looked up to see antlers and flaring nostrils - we thought we'd come face to face with the devil himself - but it was a stag from the herd at Wollaton Hall staring at us through the railings, he ran off - just as startled by our presence as we were by his.

4. Reading - two really good books from the library to read in the evenings when there's nothing much to watch on television and two lovely magazines to flick through with my morning coffee.  I don't usually read two books at the same time as my elderly brain can confuse the stories but as one is fiction and one non-fiction I really can't conflate the two.   

 Linking up with  Little Birdie  where  '52 weeks of Happy' started. Each week you find just four things that have made you happy to share.

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