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As Clear As Mud

Sometimes, similar murky words can come out of my mouth, or off my keyboard. And so it was when I mentioned an Everest Man. To Kat , those words conjured a mountain-climbing hunk, complete with crampons, crevasse ladder and probably carabiners enough to sink a battleship.

In reality, The Everest Window Fitter was back here following A Complaint. By me. Not because of faulty fitting or below standard goods. Dear me, no. But Strange Happenings on the outside surfaces of the glass, which meant that when the sun shone upon them, Smears, Ghostly Smears obstructed my view. All the time the weather remained cloudy, the doors appeared pristine, but sunshine transformed them so's I could believe they'd been in situ and unwashed for years.

After my attempts to clean them with varying mixtures of water, washing up liquid, vinegar, scrunched up newspaper, scrim and elbow grease, I telephoned Everest Customer Service. Like you would.
An appointment was made for a Manager Man to come and inspect them at the end of the week.

He too, expended much elbow grease attempting with chamois leather and water to make them sparkle, but finally admitted defeat. He arranged for the fitters to come back to use their industrial glass cleaning products for a second time, which they duly did. And left my side gate unlatched on their way out.

So the tale has gone full circle, as my tales have a habit of doing. Bit like me really - I spend much of my time going round in circles...Don't we all?

With a change in the weather, sunshine has been conspicuous by its absence, and the silver lining to this cloud means my windows have looked transparent as intended... But woe betide Everest if we have a sunny spell in the next few days, and my world appears smeary....

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