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Happy Homemaker Monday

Today I am joining again with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday. Thanks to Sandra for hosting this fun link-up every week.

As I look outside my window:
I see a bright, sunny Arizona afternoon. The high temperature today (according to my back patio thermometer) is close to 90 degrees.

Right now I am:
Typing this post, waiting for my husband to arrive home from work.

Thinking and pondering:
About some changes that are probably coming in our family in the next few months. One of these is a possible change in employment for my husband.  He has been told that his teaching contract at his present school will be renewed, but only until the end of next September. That is an odd time to have a contract end, but at least a third of the staff at his school have been told this.  The entire situation has the junior high where he has taught this past year, has been strange, unprofessional and at times right down scary. Because of this, Charly is seriously considering taking an opportunity he has been offered to go back into the business world.

On my reading stack:
My scriptures and Dave Ramsey's book Financial Peace Revisited, which I hope to finish up in the next day or so.  

On my TV tonight:
I'm not really sure what I will watch tonight - but I have some ironing to do and I usually watch TV while I iron. Yesterday, we watched both the morning and afternoon sessions of General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Last night we watched the second season premiere of Granite Flats on BYUtv.

Listening to:
A clock ticking in the room where I am writing this.  Other than that, and the clicking of the keys on my computer, the house is pretty quiet.

On the menu:
Tonight - Walnut-chicken salad sandwiches
Tuesday - Possibly spaghetti - (I have been in the mood for that)
Wednesday - Homemade bean and cheese burritos

On my to-do list:
Finish lesson #2 of my online class
Laundry - one load a day to stay caught up
Ironing - as needed
Continue sorting, labeling and putting pictures in photo albums.  This is project I started over the weekend while watching General Conference on TV

Happening this week:
This afternoon, Josh had a follow-up appointment with the oral surgeon who removed his wisdom tooth. He is healing up very nicely.
I have a weekend class which will take place Friday evening and Saturday morning - so Charly and Josh will be holding down the fort then.

What I am creating:
No crafts or crocheting this week.  I had hoped to crochet some "mood afghan squares" while watching General Conference, but worked on the picture sorting project instead.

My simple pleasures:
Evening walks with my husband.

Lessons learned this past week:
Pray for peace and love before speaking when feeling annoyed or upset. Be patient and kind.  Listen with an open and loving heart, but don't step in front of natural consequences that can teach our children and loved ones much needed lessons in life.

Homemaking Tip:
The way I started doing my grocery list about a year and a half ago keeps me better organized when shopping so I don't have to run back and forth across the store for what I need.  I got the idea from The Food Nanny, another great BYUtv show.  Here is what my grocery list looks like:

Looking around the house:
Things aren't in too bad of shape. The kitchen table is a little messy since my husband uses half of it as his "landing pad" after work.  He also does the finances there.

From the camera:

Frugal find of the week:
I got this great wall hanging of "The Living Christ - the Testimony of the Apostles" at our local Deseret Industries Thrift Store on Saturday for only $3.  I have seen these hanging in other homes and always wanted one.  Now, I just have to find the perfect place to hang it!

Prayer list:
my husband in his likely upcoming employment change, my youngest son in upcoming adult decisions he will be making soon, my mother-in-law as she nears the end of her earthly life and my other children and grandchildren.  

Bible verse, devotional:

"If ye love me, keep my commandments."
                        --John 14:15

Hope you have a happy Monday and a great week!

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