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How Small Is Small.....?

Oh, Those Details....!

Believe it or Not, Dear Readers, It looked like that outside my windows all day yesterday... so I stayed home and finished a few small details on some of my many projects, one of which is the "Tree of Life" pillow on the sofa in the above picture! It was a gloomy day and I was feeling a bit "under the weather", so I did not get much done, but fortunately I have all sorts of details to show you from the past week. As you can probably imagine, once I had started on the Tiny Roombox version of The Folly Parlor, it was hard to put it down! What you saw last week was just the merest beginnings! The tiny people were high on my list of things to do.... so I started right in on the First Lady.... (Perhaps her name is "Eve"?)..... she needed to be painted....

So Much "personality" is added once there is a face!
But can you even see her?
(Please remember to poke the pictures for a bigger view!)

And for modesty's sake, I have added a lace petticoat....
(please pretend that it hides anything at all!)
And then because I always work on several things at once, 
while glue and paint are drying, 
I also started on the details for the fireplace....

Because a fireplace Must have logs and flames....

And I also painted the surround to resemble black marble, 
like the one in The Folly Parlor!

And I started to make a tiny mirror... 
by painting a metal jewelry chain link gold.....
And gluing on a piece of reflective mylar 
(cut from fancy glittery wrapping paper!)...

But Eve needed some hair, 
and I was having a hard time figuring out how to make it!

My first attempt did not work out, so I pulled it off and started again....
You can see here I have knotted the end of a piece of brown sewing thread....
and I am gluing the knot to the top of her head to form a "bun"....
but I had to be patient and let the glue dry all night and all day....

Before I could add more glue and carefully wrap the thread around her head....

When it was wrapped far enough and dry enough, 
I cut off the tail end of the thread!
(She may not be Perfect.... but she is the First Lady!)
The next Tiny little detail that gave me fits was the andirons for the fire!
I kept thinking I needed to use beads... but none were small enough!
Eventually I tried just twisting the finest brass jewelry wire I have....

They are a tiny bit large.... but they work!
You can still see the glue drying in this shot!

And then the Roombox itself Dear Readers, 
still lacked all sorts of architecture....
starting with the crown molding trim.....

 It is just painted cardboard... cut very small....
with gold painted details...

And the bookshelves that flank the fireplace....

Again, just painted cardboard.....

The shelf widths are just 3/32nds of an inch!
And the tiny mirror....

(I "pinched" the jewelry piece a little to make it oval instead of round.....)

And we must test it all for fit.....

It is starting to look like The Folly Parlor!
(But it is still missing a few small details.....)

Like the ceramics on the mantelpiece.....

Will beads work..... 
if I glue them together and paint them......?
And what about books???
We Must have Books!
I cut strips of paper from magazines
 that had interesting color patterns on them...
and glued them around a piece of cardboard .....
cut it into a narrow strip, then sliced it to tiny tiny pieces....
Most of these "books" are too large to fit in the shelves!
But I found enough small ones.....

To fill the shelves... which don't hold many books
 even in The Folly Parlor itself!

Can we even see the books on those shelves???
How about with the ceramics on the mantel....?

(The Folly mantel has even more....)
Another ceramic vase and a book on the mantel.....
(and a couple of "vases" on the top shelves of the bookcases too!)
It is Not perfect, Dear Readers... 
the details of the closeup photos 
reveal all the flaws in the painting
 and the rough edges of the bookcases....
 but it is starting to look a lot like The Folly Parlor!

Of course, it is late now, 
and really difficult to get a well lit and in focus picture!

But maybe you want to see it in the bookshelf of The Folly?

Or how about an excruciatingly revealing close-up....?
Yes, Dear Readers, it is a bit rough around the edges....
And of course, there are still several missing details to be completed...!
And in order to make those little details..
I keep having to ask just how small is "Small"?

Oh, and did you want to see the "small" snowfall we had...?

Almost five inches fell!
(Not very small at all!)

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