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No Sunshine, Roses, and Butterflies

I did not sleep one wink Sunday night and got up when his alarm went off, went into the kitchen to wash two dishes, and make oatmeal. Then, the plan was to go to two stores. Well, the store I planned to shop at was not one he wanted to go to, so he took me to another where I searched and searched and the cart died, and I was beside myself with pain and tiredness. He finally got it after wasting an hour of precious time. So, he finally took me to store where I found help and found what I wanted.

He was more than happy to take me to store to get his Diet Pepsi. Of course, he was paying for it.

Back home, I was in no condition to cook, so I took a three hour nap. We had been gone six hours! And, I purchased 6 items!

I mentioned that the table needed to be cleared. He had to watch Dr. Phil and two episodes of Jeopardy. The night before he said he wanted to clear it while it was still light. So, today he was letting it fade away. I only slept 3 hours, not enough. But, the table was clear and I cleaned it with soap and water, then with vinegar.

When I got up from the nap, I did not make dinner because I told him before the nap to get the rest of the pulled pork and tomato and lettuce to make salad. There was also bbq sauce. I had tuna, Miracle Whip, and tomato.

Afterwards, I made the Jello salad for me and green bean casserole. I will make him a Jello salad with no bananas. It is 9 pm and I am going to make the stovetop stuffing. That will leave baking sweet potatoes, bake hen, and make gravy. I told Tommy the only thing he had to do was take the meat from carcass. He agreed, but it remains to be seen. I am quite sure he will nibble a bit. I don't care.

The other thing I must make is two pumpkin pies. I was worrying about a recipe because I wanted to make it just like Mama did. I found her recipe on the Libby site. There was one only one substitution she made and I made another change, too. So, that is solved.

Tonight, I told him I could not find a pan and would he look. The tv was very loud. I called out and asked him if he found the two pans. I got a two or three sentence answer that I could not understand. I said, "yes or no?" This went on and on. He can never say yes or no. So, he berated me until I just did not want to live because obviously I am so flawed I do not need to mar the earth. I have never ever been so brutal in my assessment of him. Actually, I rarely say much and not in a berating manner.

I will not be able to cook tomorrow because I will be gone. sigh. So tired from my "cooking". lol You know how exhausting making jello, opening cans, and slicing bananas can be. I do understand my mother's exhaustion.

What all have you prepared?

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