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Sandy who ??

Yeap!  My house is right in the path of this storm.

I have been working on my post from last weekend's trip to Rhinebeck and the thought occurred to me.  EVERYONE, and I mean just EVERYONE is stoked about Sandy. Maybe I should write something about that.

Wouldn't it be a total hoot if Sandy did the "female thing" and changed her mind about where to set down on land?  Wouldn't everyone get a chuckle if she turned a hard right and headed right back to the African coast?

Ok, so that probably won't happen.  But I have taken steps to ensure that electrical power stays on during the storm.

  • Been making ice since Wednesday for the ice chest and for any empty spaces in my two freezers.  I ain't loosen any frozen food this time.  No sir!
  • Been making various foods that can be eaten at room temperature.  We will not go hungry. In fact, we will probably gain weight. :-(
  • Will make coffee in advance 'cause I am not facing even one frick'en morning without caffeine for some broad named Sandy.
  • Filled the car with gas - cause if I WANT to take a leisurely drive around town to see all the beauty of fall - I damn well will do it - cause I will have gas! (Traffic should be down, too.)
  • Pulled in the lawn chair and the bird feeder - cause I am not going to spend money on new ones because of Sandy blowing into town.
I am prepped.  We will not loose power now because of all my preparations.  You can thank me after it is over.

In fact, I have made (and bought) so much ice, I would guess that the entire eastern seaboard is safe now from power outages.  The big story on the news in a few days will be how the lights stayed on.  They will wonder why.  But I will smugly point to my freezers that are filled to the brim with ice!  I will know.  

Oh ... and I have red wine.  Best at room temperature, you know.

Cheers everyone.

Stay dry.

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