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Thank you all for the luck yesterday- I don't know how well I did yet, but I think I passed. Today I'm going to tell you about 750 words. But first I have to admit, I'm hard pressed to complete a writing routine everyday. But I have found help! Its called 750words.com.

 This site gives you points for everyday you complete your 750 words- that's a great incentive. There is also little awards you can receive for making yourself do it every day. But these are not even the best parts.

The best parts are the graphs. You can type in a story idea or the start of a story or one completed and it will graph which sensory you used the most inside the story, I found I lean towards "touch" a great deal.
Then as if that wasn't enough it also graphs the mood of the piece based on words you've typed.

Finally you also see a word cloud box that tells you which words you used the most! Brilliant!
But it is a simple design, which I happen to love. I sign in, a blank box comes on my screen. I start typing. When I reach 750 words a green box comes up to let me know, then I can look at all my stats for the piece. And if i want to type more than 750 words- I can.

There is also a lock feature so no one else can see your work-password protected.

I have been using this site for a week now. I have twelve points and it has helped me start my homework papers I needed to do. I really really like this site. Now go check it out for yourself.

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