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Sate Pentul - Indonesian Minced Beef Sate

Sate Pentul - Minced Beef Sate

Sate or satay is a national grilling/bbq dish in Indonesia. There are many variants of sate from Sabang (West) to Merauke (East) with many different sauce or gravy to be served with.

After being upset due to the food picture theft, I decided to renew the picture of sate pentul. Originally, the recipe was posted on my multiply. Amazingly, the food picture that he/she stole wasn't a great one. Another proof that people actually don't really care the quality of the picture they stole.

Well, the bright side, I have a motivation to renew the picture by cooking it again. It's not only a picture renew, I also renewed the recipe of sate pentul by glazing with EV coconut oil before grilling.

Some people who know about Balinese food may ask, "this looks like sate lilit (Balinese minced seafood sate)". Yes, indeed! They look similar, but the spices of sate pentul are simpler. Plus, Balinese is a big fan of terasi (dried shrimp paste), kencur, turmeric and lemongrass. Kecap manis is more popular among Javanese.

This is one of other options for barbecuing next long weekend in Canada. August 2 is a New Brunswick Day (NB), Heritage Day in Alberta (AB), Civic/Provincial Day (MB, NT, ON, SK) and British Columbia Day (BC).

Sate Pentul
-Indonesian Minced Beef Sate-

500 g lean ground beef
3 shallots (for smaller size shallots, use 6 pieces)
4 cloves garlic
1/4rth piece of a whole nutmeg, grated (substitute for 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg)
1/2 tsp ground coriander, toasted
1/2 tsp ground cumin, toasted
salt and pepper to season
bamboo skewers
EV coconut oil

Sambal Kecap:
5 tbsps kecap manis
1 shallot (I used a bigger size), thinly sliced
6 bird eye chilies (red and green), thinly sliced
2 jeruk limo (known as nasnaran mandarin, I substituted for 2 key limes, it will be good with calamansi as well)

1. Grind shallot and garlic until smooth. Combine shallot, garlic, ground beef, toasted ground cumin and coriander, grated nutmeg, salt, and pepper.

2. Soak bamboo skewers for 20 minutes in cold water to prevent them from burning; drain. Prepare the grill for direct cooking.

3. Take 3 tsps of the mixture and shape into a ball, then stick the skewer into the ball and work the mixture around one end of the sate skewer until you have about 8 cms (3 in) covered. Repeat until all the mixture is used.

4. Glaze the minced beef sate with EV coconut oil. Grill on a barbeque or grill pan until golden brown. Serve with sambal kecap.

Here is the picture that is stolen. I'm not proud of this pic's quality at all. Yet, people is still stealing it.

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